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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Step By Step Guide To Organize A Youth Club

If you have the potential and want to organize a youth organization in your area, here's some hints that can help you to begin with

1.       Organize a working staff, or organizing committee.
(Talk to any close friends and other persons that you might think has the potential to lead and willing to be your co-officers)

2.       Find a place to meet comfortably.

3.       Decide on a club name.

4.       Create a Constitution or By Laws containing information concerning purpose, philosophy, membership, offices, and etcetera. (President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer)

5.       Create an application form that every willing member would fill-up for your records.
(Every member should be required to pay a membership fees.)

6.       Make an application with local government.

7.       Make a flyer and post it EVERYWHERE.

8.       Put an ad in the paper advertising your club and its intentions.

9.       Create social networks account for your club.

10.   Establish a temporary headquarters and mailing address so that interested parties will know where to go to join your club. Publicize this location as much as possible in your preliminary announcements.

11.   Establish a working relationship with the former and or present member or official of another organization for some helpful information that may occur in the future.

12.   Think of a possible fund raising projects.

13.   Set a regular officers meeting every week if necessary.

14.   Establish practice and meet schedules.

Setting up a youth group can be a long and often difficult road, involving more work than you might expect. But at the end of that road is the opportunity to improve the life not only of local youngsters, but also to help to foster a stronger sense of community in your neighbourhood.
Hope this can help. ENJOY!!!

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